Where did you come from, where did you go?
I'll do you one better, why is Cotton-Eyed Joe?
Infinity War jokes aside, I haven't been back here in a really long time. What can I say, I've been busy! I just released a big ol' rework to the portfolio section of the site, including a new area focusing on a few of the projects I'm currently working on, and I've been slogging my way through the job search.
Here's to hoping I have more news on that front soon, eh? It's a tough job market out there right now. All of us just have to keep our heads down and keep pushing through until we make it. It'll happen, it just takes a fair amount of work.
In the meantime, summer has arrived here in Colorado. So far, it's a stunningly beautiful year. With any luck I'll get up into the mountains soon and snap some photos of all this natural splendor. It would be a nice distraction - everything seems to be happening at once in my personal life right now. Between that and my job search, it's been a strangely busy, yet listless, past few months.
The good thing about all that is having time to get through my backlog of media. I've finished a lot of games, seen a lot of movies, watched a lot of shows, and made headway on some great books. All great material in my never-ending quest to become the best storyteller I can be.
I'm aware that I once stated that this blog would turn toward more critical analyses, but finding the time for that has proven difficult. Maybe in the second half of the year, that will become more of a reality. In the meantime, I leave you with some of the photos I've taken recently. Take some time today to drink in the grace of nature. As green returns to the world, allow hope and happiness to return to your soul.
That's all for today. Hopefully I'll be back soon with more professional news. Go forth and be pleased!
- Connor