Building Blocks
A Playable Resume, built in Unreal Engine 4.
It would be boring to just read a resume though, right? So why don’t you play it instead?
Introducing Building Blocks - A Playable Resume! This is a 3D platformer that acts as a gallery of a few of the things I’ve done in the past. The gameplay revolves around placing blocks to build your path through the gallery, while my mellifluous voice assails you with jokes and information. I made this during my time at Red Rocks Community College. I’ve learned quite a lot since then, but I think this is fun and unique enough to leave up for the time being.
Building Block is available for download on Windows via Click the button to go there now!

Maze Slapper
1v1 competitive mini-game, built in Unreal Engine 4. Slap away!
The original version of this small game was built for the RMGDA 2020 Game Jam, co-developed alongside my good friend Robert Kendl. I worked on everything in this from gameplay programming to map design. The rules are simple - one player is the “slapper,” and the other is the “runner.” The slapper must, well, slap the runner 5 times within the time limit to win. Otherwise, the runner wins. Following the game jam, I spent some time refining it, adding additional visuals, maps, and modes. The full game is now available to download on
ThumbyEngine & Memory Bonanza
If you’re not familiar with the Thumby, it’s the cutest little handheld game console you’ll ever find. It literally can go on your keychain! I got one a while back and decided to make something for it. That said, I was slightly annoyed that it didn’t have a more standardized game engine to go with it, especially since it already has its own emulator and IDE for making something. So, I also made myself a little engine for it! It’s not fully featured but it makes for a good entry point to developing something.
With that, I made a teeny tiny game for this teeny tiny console - Memory Bonanza! This is a fast-paced game where a sequence of actions is flashed to the player (corresponding with the gamepad directions and the A/B buttons). Players then have a set amount of time to repeat the actions. For every correct repetition, you score a point. Fail? And it’s game over! And for each success, the difficulty ramps up - the sequences become slightly longer, flash quicker, and the input window decreases.
I’ve provided an example video of the game taken from the Thumby online emulator. I’ve also provided links to the code on my GitHub. Enjoy!
Tic Tac Totality
A twist on a classic! I made this to teach myself Lua and Love2D. This version of tic tac toe takes place on a 6x6 grid, and each player has 10 action points (AP). They may spend AP on abilities that can dramatically change the landscape of the board:
Convert one square to your own mark
Shift a column down (wraps around to top)
Shift a row right (wraps to the left)
Randomize a 3x3 grid
Clear a 3x3 grid
Players regain 1 AP at the start of their turn.
This was a fun, quick little project. It reminded me of using PyGame! Lua is an incredibly common scripting tool, so taking the time to learn the language was well-worth it.